Tror du att Jelena kommer gifta sig?


Thomas John is a psychic who claims to know exactly what the future holds for one of Hollywood’s most popular young couples.

“Justin and Selena are in it for the long haul for sure,” he says. “I’m actually seeing a wedding with these two.”

He sees what’s happened recently in their lives as perfectly normal, healthy growth. Their honesty may cause them to consider separating, but ultimately they’ll find they’re way right back to one another’s arms.

“The thing about these two is that they play and have fun together — they keep the relationship light and grounded. They are both incredibly smart, and intellectually stimulate each other, and when it comes down to it, Justin is incredibly honest, which is a big thing for Selena. So you can tell all of the Bieber fans they might want to find a new crush— Justin’s taken!” John says

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