Jake T. Austin pratar om WOWP m.m.
2012 Emmy nominations have been announced and Disney Channel’s ”Wizard’s of Waverly Place”made the cut for Outstanding Children’s Program. The series, starring Selena Gomez, Jake T. Austin, and David Henrie, is being honored under the same category for the fourth year in a row. Hollywood Life had an exclusive interview with Jake T. Austin where he shared his reactions on the Emmy nomination.
“[E]veryone is just like, “wow, another year!” It’s crazy to look back at all the time we’ve spent together and to see what we’ve accomplished is so incredible, in retrospect. This is a new year and we’re going up against a lot of great shows, so it’s just cool to be even mentioned in the same category,” Austin, who played the younger brother of Gomez on the Disney series, said.
He has not spoken to Gomez or the other cast members regarding the nomination. Since the series ended in January 2012, the cast has moved on to other ventures in their careers.
“Everyone is working and staying busy. We’re always on set, always moving around and changing locations, so it’s hard to really be in the same place at once and really do things like a cast again. We’ll always be in touch; I think we’ll always keep in contact and be a part of each other’s lives.”
“Yeah, we’re definitely all really close,” Austin answered when asked how close he is with Gomez. “Everyone is still talking but doing their own thing.”
Austin was asked by Hollywood Life about what he thinks of Gomez’s mega-famous boyfriend, Justin Bieber. The
young actor says he thinks Bieber is a talented musician. But does he approve of their relationship?
“Haha, I don’t know; I’m not a matchmaker. They’re both over 18, so they can do what they want!” the actor laughed.
“Wizards of Waverly Place”won the Emmy for Outstanding Children’s Program in 2009. However, Austin admits that he is happy with just being nominated this year.
“We were all excited to have the opportunity to watch the show live. To be recognized for our work, it’s a huge honor.”
Den 23 september klockan 8 PM så kommer Emmy Awards vara. Jag vet inte om det kommer sändas i Sverige än.