Teenlink: What is the biggest lesson that you think teens can take from Hotel Transylvania?
Selena: "Honestly, it could be the independence part, growing up and kind of wanting your own time to be yourself. That's hard at first. You spend all this time with your parents, they've raised you, and then you're just kind of like "Alright, peace, I'm going out." And they're just like, "Wait, what's going on?" And I think that's something that every kid kind of goes through."
What type of role model do you aspire to be for teens?
"I mean, I honestly just want to be the best I can be, but at the same time, I'm still growing up. I'm still figuring out what I want to do and what's going on in my life. So I think there's going to be lots of room for mistakes and for me just to kind of try to figure out who I am. So I try to be the best I can be."
What was it about this film that interested you to become a part of it?
"Well, Adam [Sandler] had mentioned my name, so I mean, you don't say no to Adam Sandler. But the movie was amazing. I loved the script. I thought it was really cute, and it was such a great cast, so it was kind of a no-brainer."
What do you like about working on animated films?
"It's easy. It's hard at first getting used to it, but it was probably four or five days of work."
How has social media influenced you and your career?
"It's been really amazing. It's a good and bad thing, though, because I love being able to update my fans and send them pictures, and anything that I'm doing I can quickly tell them, which is really nice to have that instant connection. But I also get worried for my fans because it's just such an easy access to people's lives. With the pressure of cyber bullying and stuff, I think it's very unfit to a way bigger degree, and I just get really nervous for my fans that have to go through that. I just try to make sure to tell them to be careful with it just because it's a little tricky. But if you use it for the right reasons, it's really great."