Selena Much Music!
maaaaaaaaaaassor av nya bilder!!

Random Fan Pics

(1 of the first fan pics of Juslena, taken November 2010 when Justin visited Sel for Thanksgiving)

Nya twitter bilder!

I'm having with drawls... :( I miss you wizards

P.S det har inte blivit nån uppdatering för jag har varit på skolresa & sen så fyllde jag år! <3
Nya söta bilder!
Det verkar som Selenea ska typ vara värd ändå! :D
2 nya twitter bilder!
“Camp fire with my tour loves ;) SMORES!”
“My babbyyyy”
Förlåt för ingen bloggning!
Förlåt för ingen uppdetering, men har varit borta & ett tag hade vi inte någon internet!! Men tyvärr så kommer det bli en till bloggpaus, i kanske en vecka si-sådär. Men det kommer några inlägg iaf! :D
Ny twitter bild!
"Day off with my peeps :)”
Selena pratar om sina fans!
I ♥ that video
Ska åka bort!
Hej! Ska bort med en kompis så det kommer inte bli så många inlägg idag, men det kommer några tidsinställda! :D
Intervju med Popsugar!
On Chicago: "It's one of my favorite cities. You guys have the best AllSaints store ever. [Note: We know!!] We end up eating a lot of deep-dish pizza when we're here."
On staying fit while touring: "It's hard when you're on the road. But I dance every day and night, so that helps. We try to eat as healthy as possible — a lot of Subway."
On what's next for her: "I think we're going to take the tour international, to Canada and Europe. And after that, I'll do two movies. We're in the process of reading scripts now."
Another Cinderella story!
Bakom scenerna!
Filmen gjordes 2008! Du kan köpa den på cdon.com eller discshop.com :D
Tack så supermycket för besöksrekordet i går (52 st)! :D :D
Selena på Kmart!
Nytt facebook inlägg!
k 104 intervjuar Sel!
Sel har vunnit en Imagen award!
Selena har vunnit en Imagen Award i kategorin: Best Young Actress/Televisionmen. Sel uppträde då på sin tour, så då tog Maria Canales Barrera (som spelar Alex mamma i WOWP) emot priset! Maria sa så här:
"I’m so so proud of her and I always wanted her to win one and finally she won one!"
Svar på en fråga!
Lina om Monte carlo dvd!:
Älskar bloggen! lägg aldrig ner den! kommer aldrig sluta läsa bloggen<3333333333333 den är bäst gånger tusenmiljoner!!!!! kan du svara på några frågor i ett inlägg? :)<3
När fyller selly år?
Är hon och Justin biber verkligen ihop? :)<3
Kan du lägga ut lite bilder och fakta om filmen som selena var med i men spela inte alex i ett nytt inlägg? den heta typ another cinderela story eller nått. xD
kommer selly till sverige? <3
har du varit på sel konsert? :)
Hej Lina! Jag blir så glad när jag ser din kommentar, tack! ♥ Här kommer dina svar! :)
1 Selena fyller år 22 juli, hon föddes 1992.
2 Jaa, det är dom! :)
3 Ja det är såklart! Kommer snart i ett inlägg!
4 Inte just nu men vi får alltid hoppas på att hon kommer! :D
5 nej, men jag skulle vilja det såååå himla mycket!!!!
Backstage på Teen vouge photoshoot!
Backstage på Seventeen photoshoot!
Fame Comic!
Backstage på Tca!
Sel är nominerad till Alma awards!
Selena är "nominerad" till Alma awards! :D Det ska sändas den 16 semtember. Hon är nominerad till:
Det kan bli lite konstig översättning för det är av google översätt!
Filmer: favoritfilm Actress - Komedi / Musikal Selena Gomez - "Monte Carlo"
MUSIC: Favorite Female Artist Music Selena Gomez
TV: Favorit TV-serie Wizards of Waverly Place (Disney Channel)
TV: Favorit TV Actress - huvudroll i en komedi Selena Gomez - Wizards of Waverly Place
Du kan rösta HÄR!
Monte carlo dvd!
Fanns bara en liten bild
Filmen kommer ut den 18 oktober i USA! :D
Nya twitter bilder!
“My little cousins have a nicer car than me..”
"Little Kisses :)"
Videos från WOTNT!
WOTNT= We own the night tour! (:
Semi på tca!
Semi= Selena & Demi
Inne på Tca!
TCA photoshoot!
Ny design!
Har fått en ny supermegafin design av www.peacemiley.blogg.se!!!!!! Tack så mycket!! Vad tycker ni om designen??
Klicka på bilden så är ni supersnälla! :D
Backstage på budapest photoshoot!
We own the night tour i atlanta,ga!
We own the night tour i Bethel,ny!
mitt 240 inlägg!!!!
Statistiken har gått uppåt, jag har många fler besökare nu än förut!! :D Tack så mycket ♥
P.S detta är mitt 240 inlägg (som ni märkte på rubriken ;P)!!! :D
Sel möter fans!
We own the night tour i Darien Center, NY!
DOL intervju!
Justin bär en Selena tröja!
Nya twitter bilder!
Backstage med Selena!
We own the night tour- video!
Älskar att kolla på den, jag bará drömmer mig bort att jag är där!! :D
Sel kommer vara...
Presentör för VMA! Jippi!! :D Det kommer vara den 28 augusti :)
Ny video!
Intervju till Chica magazine!
Backstage på Teen Choice Awards!
Nya twitter bilder!
http://www.showyourhearts.org/ :)
It's raining!!
Gettin cheeky wit it na, na, na, na, na, na, na
My tour manager- Mark!
Negative Nancy...
Cutiessss :)
We own the night tour i paso robles!
Intervju på telefon!
Ny bild!
CHOA: Chilrens Healtcare of atlanta
Nya/gamla bilder!
Fan bilder:
Tca sneak peek!
Sel på Hollyoaks music show!
Ny fanbild!
Nya bilder från DOL höst kollektionen!
Nice pictures, Nice pictures! ;)
Intervju med Glamour!
GLAMOUR: Congrats on your single “Who Says” going platinum. Did you record it with someone in mind?
SELENA GOMEZ: It’s an anthem that everybody can relate to, but it’s really for my fans who are going through cyberbullying and people trying to bring them down and tell them they’re not good enough. It’s even an anthem for myself; it makes me feel really good.
GLAMOUR: The lyrics are “Who says you’re not star potential?” Did anyone ever say that to you?
SG: Of course—I had someone tell me that today! And when I was 11 years old, I had a grown woman who was a casting director tell me that I was not strong enough to carry the lead in any project. Now I’m doing things that I love, and I’m working really hard. I never want to play the victim or anything, but of course everybody deals with it.
GLAMOUR: Your Wizards fans are so devoted. With your career moving beyond Disney, do you think they’ll follow?
SG: That’s my goal! Disney and my fans have gotten me to where I’m at, so I would never want to do anything that would offend them. I’m going to get older and turn into a woman, but right now I hope I can make projects that everybody is able to go out and see.
GLAMOUR: Is it hard being young and in Hollywood?
SG: Yeah, you have this pressure [to fit in] and you want people to like you. I try my best to be a good person and be the best I can be.
GLAMOUR: What was it like working with Leighton and Katie in Monte Carlo?
SG: I was nervous and intimidated because they are older and had worked on movies before, but they were the best girls I could have been paired up with! They were so sweet and took me under their wing.
GLAMOUR: You’re a visible presence on Twitter and Facebook. How has that been for you?
SG: I love that I can stay connected with my fans and be able to tell them what’s going on—their opinions are so important to me. But at the same time, it’s very weird. I think the Internet can be a great thing but also really evil. Something can instantly hurt your feelings.
GLAMOUR: You tweeted from the American Top 40, “I just told everyone who I had a musical crush on.”
SG: Jason Mraz! I love him. I think he’s so talented.
GLAMOUR: As for the paparazzi, they can be relentless. Are they something you wish didn’t go along with being famous?
SG: Sure, but I think it would be selfish of me to say that, because I asked for this life. I understand that’s part of the job. I just put my head down and continue to walk forward.
GLAMOUR: That must be harder since you’re dating someone who attracts a lot of media attention….
SG: Kind of. But I’m 19, so I feel like everything that I’m doing right now should not be taken too seriously. I should be able to have fun and enjoy where I’m at! So I don’t want to spend my time hiding or worrying about all of that.
GLAMOUR: I read that Justin’s fans have posted threatening messages about you online.
SG: Yeah, I’m human, so of course certain things sometimes hurt. I just laugh at it.
GLAMOUR: Would you and Justin ever collaborate?
SG: If it comes naturally or organically, maybe!
Intervju med Glamour!
GLAMOUR: Congrats on your single “Who Says” going platinum. Did you record it with someone in mind?
SELENA GOMEZ: It’s an anthem that everybody can relate to, but it’s really for my fans who are going through cyberbullying and people trying to bring them down and tell them they’re not good enough. It’s even an anthem for myself; it makes me feel really good.
GLAMOUR: The lyrics are “Who says you’re not star potential?” Did anyone ever say that to you?
SG: Of course—I had someone tell me that today! And when I was 11 years old, I had a grown woman who was a casting director tell me that I was not strong enough to carry the lead in any project. Now I’m doing things that I love, and I’m working really hard. I never want to play the victim or anything, but of course everybody deals with it.
GLAMOUR: Your Wizards fans are so devoted. With your career moving beyond Disney, do you think they’ll follow?
SG: That’s my goal! Disney and my fans have gotten me to where I’m at, so I would never want to do anything that would offend them. I’m going to get older and turn into a woman, but right now I hope I can make projects that everybody is able to go out and see.
GLAMOUR: Is it hard being young and in Hollywood?
SG: Yeah, you have this pressure [to fit in] and you want people to like you. I try my best to be a good person and be the best I can be.
GLAMOUR: What was it like working with Leighton and Katie in Monte Carlo?
SG: I was nervous and intimidated because they are older and had worked on movies before, but they were the best girls I could have been paired up with! They were so sweet and took me under their wing.
GLAMOUR: You’re a visible presence on Twitter and Facebook. How has that been for you?
SG: I love that I can stay connected with my fans and be able to tell them what’s going on—their opinions are so important to me. But at the same time, it’s very weird. I think the Internet can be a great thing but also really evil. Something can instantly hurt your feelings.
GLAMOUR: You tweeted from the American Top 40, “I just told everyone who I had a musical crush on.”
SG: Jason Mraz! I love him. I think he’s so talented.
GLAMOUR: As for the paparazzi, they can be relentless. Are they something you wish didn’t go along with being famous?
SG: Sure, but I think it would be selfish of me to say that, because I asked for this life. I understand that’s part of the job. I just put my head down and continue to walk forward.
GLAMOUR: That must be harder since you’re dating someone who attracts a lot of media attention….
SG: Kind of. But I’m 19, so I feel like everything that I’m doing right now should not be taken too seriously. I should be able to have fun and enjoy where I’m at! So I don’t want to spend my time hiding or worrying about all of that.
GLAMOUR: I read that Justin’s fans have posted threatening messages about you online.
SG: Yeah, I’m human, so of course certain things sometimes hurt. I just laugh at it.
GLAMOUR: Would you and Justin ever collaborate?
SG: If it comes naturally or organically, maybe!
Nya WOWP still bilder!
Wizards vs Asteroids
Justin's back in:
Q: What can you tell us about the new album?
There are drive-in-the-car songs plus great sing-alongs. You can dance to it. there are great beats.
Q: How's your current tour going?
Doing concerts is when all my hard work pays off. I can finally just have fun with my fans. This is also the first tour where I have creative control, down to what the dancers are doing.
Q: How do you relax?
Sleep! I close the curtains and shut out the world. Otherwise, I hang out with my friends or go to the beach.
Q: Do you and Justin ever get any peace from the fans?
I just try to continue to be as normal as possible. Of course it's tough sometimes, but I'm going to be with whomever I want. That's living my life.
Q: How do you guys go out on a simple date?
We don't even think about where we go. We just like being together.
Selena uppträder hit the lights!
Kids react to Selena Gomez
justin överraskar sel på hennes konsert!
Sel sjunger love you like a love song på tca!
Sel on tca, so beautiful♥
Sel's plats på TCA!
OOO, jag skulle vilja sitta bredvid henne!!! :D
Ny privat monte carlo bild!
Nya bilder trån tca!
Dream out loud reklam!
Är det bara jag som ääälskar den?? :D
Justin pratar om sel!
Get More: MTV Shows
Dylan träffade sel på Tca!
The scene på TCA 2011!
Sel & demi lovato på Teen choice awards 2011!
Demi twittrade om sel!
Jag är hemma nu!
Jag har ju varit borta så då har jag missat massor av nya bilder så här kommer mååånga bilder! ;)
Massor av bilder!
Jag har ju varit borta så jag inte har uppdaterat olika nyheter så här kommer massor av bilder!