Nat Wolff pratar om hur det var att kyssa Selena i Parent Guidance Suggested!
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PGS = Parent Guidance Suggested
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Continuing work on her newest film, Selena Gomez was spotted on the set of "Parental Guidance" in Los Angeles on Wednesday (August 22).
The 20-year-old actress donned tiny denim shorts and flats while toting around her Mac Book and iPhone during a break between shots.
In personal news, the former Disney Channel starlet and her boyfriend Justin Bieber took a break from their busy schedules to catch their first Phish show.
The hippie-esque show was apparently the perfect place for the young stars as the 18-year-old singer's guitarist Dan Kanter said, "It was such a fun night. I knew the Phish audience would be very respectful [of Justin's fame] and we all danced right in the middle of the audience for hours!"
Dan added, "Customarily at Phish shows, fans bring glow sticks to concerts and when the band is really rocking, they toss them around in what's called a glowstick war. We brought 1,000 glowsticks with us and everyone took part in an awesome glowstick war."
The 20-year-old actress donned tiny denim shorts and flats while toting around her Mac Book and iPhone during a break between shots.
In personal news, the former Disney Channel starlet and her boyfriend Justin Bieber took a break from their busy schedules to catch their first Phish show.
The hippie-esque show was apparently the perfect place for the young stars as the 18-year-old singer's guitarist Dan Kanter said, "It was such a fun night. I knew the Phish audience would be very respectful [of Justin's fame] and we all danced right in the middle of the audience for hours!"
Dan added, "Customarily at Phish shows, fans bring glow sticks to concerts and when the band is really rocking, they toss them around in what's called a glowstick war. We brought 1,000 glowsticks with us and everyone took part in an awesome glowstick war."
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Ett fan berättar om när hon såg Selena...
Det var ett fan som såg Selena när hon spelade in Parent Guidance Suggested, så här berättar hon↓
So I arrived on set around 12:30 pm. Justin wasnt there yet. we parked right next to Selena’s trailer (which was across the street from the Motel where the they were shooting) Selena was shooting a pool scene. She was fully dressed though. She wasn’t actually IN the pool. They were doing scenes around it. Minutes later we hear loud music coming from the main street and it was justin in his van. So we can across the parking lot to the other side and saw Moshe parking the van. When he drove by us he rolled down the window and smiled and said “Dont you guys ever sleep?!” and laughed. It was just me and 3 of my friends so we got to stay, plus Moshe knew me. Justin wasn’t in the van at the time, he was watching Sel. You couldn’t see him where we were. About 15-20 mins later Justin, Sel, and some friends piled in the van and hung out. They were in there for about 10 mins then the friends came out and Sel did too. Before she walked off her and Justin talked and kissed goodbye. Then Justin left around 1:30 am in the van. The fisker was there too, but Moshe left in that earlier around 12:45 pm. Once Justin was gone we went over to the other side of the parking lot and watched them film. They were filming this one scene where they were all in the Motel with some oddly dressed people. Everything from hookers to drag queens. Sel and Nat were the only normal dressed ones. The scene they kept shooting was them running out of the motel into a car and some guys almost get in a fight. Another scene (which we got to see pretty close) was Nat and Sel running away from people holding hands and laughing. Selena was wearing cute shorts and a tank top with heels. Once they were finished with that scene we saw Sel walking off set into the parking lot where we were. My friend said, “Selena…hi…can we please take a picture?” Selena smiled and nodded her head. She looked really tired. But she was so sweet. My friend got a picture with her and then she said, “is it okay if we take a group picture? I have to still run lines” she said that in that cute whiney voice of hers lol. We took a pic and said thanks, and of corse we told her she looked pretty! She said “Thank you!! Now go get some sleep guys!” So we said bye and by that time it was 3:30 am. lol. -
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